Hi- Am seeking confirmation/clarification on this one which appears to me as a type of eriogonum, possibly, sulphur buckwheat, but the flower doesn't look the same as in my reference book.... pictures taken last week up at High Divide, Mt. Baker area of Washington, at about 5000 feet., obvious rocky outcrop... don't know why/how one photo is on its side..thx....Is it eriogonum umbellatum or some other type?
Re: Possible eriogonum I think this is Luina hypoleuca, I just posted it on this forum a few days ago for ID and got an answer
Re: Possible eriogonum OK -Gottcha....indeed...so I've now looked up luina on eflora and see the flower is indeed like mine and quite distinctive. Glad I had the close-up. Thanks so much for your ready reply!