Or a darned good ID'er. He nailed that very unusual plant I posted so quick I decided to look in on his track record here. Man of few words, but deadly accurate with the ones he does use..... a "nomenclature ninja" of sorts..... ;-) Thanks David
But I'm sure the same cannot be said of the Balanophora spp. we posted. That was found deep within a cave in Malaysia. So, you don't give yourself enough credit my good man. Btw. I have been in contact with the individual since. He says he has gone through the rest of his photos and found what is likely a runner (root) from a tree above the cave. In any case, a remarkable find and ID. I would still like to have an expert look at the pics to give us a positive ID. It looks like B. lowii, but the "stamen" structures are far fewer on the type species given. I'm still holding out a glimmer of hope for a new species. It's probably just the exotic location and conditions of the find have me thinking this way, but hey..... ;-)