Just Bought A Ponytail Palm, About 2 Feet Tall And Is In A Plastic Pot (like Nursery Type) Watered It When Got Home But Need To Know If I Should Put It In A Regular Pot And How Big The Pot Should Be. The Base Of The Plant Is About Four To Five Inches Across. Need Advice. Sparker
I have one about 75cm high in a terracotta pot. I've had it for about 8 years, and when I got it I was instructed that a ponytail will outgrow it's pot by actually breaking it open, then you know it's time to repot. At the moment it's got about 3cm extra room arounf the round bit at the bottom, and it grows very slowly. I think just give it a couple of cm around the base and repot when it breaks its bounds.
Thank You For The Prompt Reply. So Your Advice Is To Leave It In The Plastic Brown Pot Until It Breaks Its Bounds. These Pots Are Very Plain Looking, But If You Say To Leave It There I Will, Thanks. When I Do Put It In Another Pot Will Regular Potting Soil Be Suitable Or Is There Something Else Better For This Type Of Plant? Sparker
This is an arid lands plant and as such needs a well-draining potting mix like would be appropriate for cacti. It is generally recommended to allow the plant to dry out between watering. They are very forgiving plants as long as not kept wet and get plenty of light. By all means pot it up in what you find attractive--Just be sure the pot provides adequate drainage. They seem to like being root bound and often will totally "plug" the pot requiring water from the bottom. HTH Bill
Thank You For The Advice. I Just Dont Like The Pots That The Nursery And Stores Put The Plants In. Thanks Again Sparker