A very strong gust of wind just blew through my screened in patio and snapped the trunk of my 12 year old beauty. I understand from researching past posts that the base will produce new shoots. I'm not sure what to do with the broken top. Right now I have spliced it back onto the trunk. Was this the correct thing to do? Is it possible to re-root the broken top? I'd appreciate any suggestions.
yes the base will sprout more growth and you can replant the top in soil. Maybe remove a third of the leaves
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it. So my attaching the top back onto the base was not a good idea and I should just repot the top. Should I keep the soil with the top part more on the moist side?
The following discussions that may be of interest. A poster in the second one claims to have had success in rooting a top. How to grow multiple trunks on a Ponytail Palm? | UBC Botanical Garden Forums Pony Tail Palm: How Do I Cut The Top??? | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
Junglekeeper & edleigh7, I can't thank you both enough for all your advice. I am out of panic mode now. The broken top was long enough that I felt comfortable cutting it into 2 sections. I'm looking forward to having multiple palms!
Thank you to all who responded to my plea for help. I was getting a bit discouraged but today, I noticed 7 little green specks peeking out from the base. I'm not yet certain about the top yet but I will not give up hope!