I have a compact stella cherry and a prune plum in flower at the moment. I am concerned that I won't have any fruit this year if they aren't pollinated soon due to a lack of bees etc. Does anyone know if I can pollinate them myself? If so how?
The Stella cherry is the only self-compatible cherry. Therefore, picking a few blossoms and dusting them onto other flowers during the warmest driest time of the day should get some fruit. With the prune plum, it is better to have two trees or at least one in close proximity in a neighbour's garden for best pollination. Plums are not generally self-compatible.
As I look into pollination I have read that "Sunrise" is also a self fertile cherry. As for plums, the Sunset western garden book lists: Autumn Rosa, Beauty, Brooks, Casselman, Damson, French Prune, Golden Nectar, Green Gage, Italian Prune, Kelsey, Late Santa Rosa, Nubiana, Santa Rosa, Stanley and Sugar as self fertile varieties.