Can I put my Venus Flytrap outside in the summer when it has flowered so that bees can pollinate my flytrap? I live in a Northeast U.S. climate. Thanks. Trapster
If you are growing your venus flytrap outdoors in full sun, then it will reward you with a lot of seed. If you are seeking to get seed, you must pollinate the flowers. The anthers are the pollen carriers(they are located around the flower & petals.). the stigma is located in the middle of the flower(the little yellow nub). You must allow the stigma to become "fuzzy" in order for it to aquire pollen from the anthers. You can use either an artist's paint brush, either allow pollinators pollinate the flowers(which may be a bit inaccurate, unless there's a lot of flying insects where the plant is currently been growing) or just Q-tips. But i would recommend an artist's paint brush. after pollinating the flowers, make sure your plant gets lots of full sun to give you seeds, it will need the photosynthesis in order to develop such performance.