I live on a beautiful half-acre property in Kelowna, which I have kept totally organic for about twenty years now. Neighbours who have been hacking at my hedges for their view of the lake are now, it appears, poisoning my trees. Organic cherry, pear, 50 foot silver birch, Almey (1967) are all showing signs of poisoning alongside the suffering juniper hedge. I have asked them to stop, even phoned the police (who see it as a neighbourhood "dispute"), but proof is difficult. I need help. Any info on soil testing, environmental lawyers or advocates, legal precedents, etc., would be appreciated.
if testing soil look for herbicide contaminants. if inspecting plants, look for signs of physical damage perhaps pertaining to entry points of toxins. Consider consulting an arborist to view and examine your trees for evidence of introduced toxins.
You aren't registered so I have no idea if you will get this message. You should find this an interesting, and hopefully, helpful read with some advice to consider. http://www.arboristsite.com/showthread.php?t=21647 Do keep a paper trail and photo records if you plan to take legal action. All police reports and logging of all calls to police and any written correspondence will be helpful. Good luck, Newt