... as it may that your heart desires fruits of endless Summer, there is a time for Stillness, and Sleep, and Death." I...
that my wasted years were not wasted, but enriched the soil of my soul, making me understand that now
A "limick" Spotting "Community Shuffle" on the UCB website, I thought, "Wonderful! All zombies welcome!" I saw it was shuttle, But in swift rebuttal, I prefer "Community Shuffle!"
oooou, limericks! let's see if I can do one... In a sforzando rage at the Jones I grew some bamboo last year. Delight now shoots through my bones with bamboo growing out of my ears!
I grew some bamboo last year. which in Vancouver costs very dear. It enraged the Jones, which delighted my ol' bones And now I have bamboo growing out of my ears
Thanks to Ann B's limerick, I'd like to start a collaborative limerick. Ok, since I just learnt the rules of limercks myself, let me lay them down: 1. only 5 llines 2. last word of lines 1,2 and 5 must rhyme 3. last work of lines 3 and 5 must rhyme Line 1: Start by introducing character/story, etc Line 2:Then elaborate Line 3 and 4: Pose a problem/challenge/dilemma/conflic Line 5: resolve it (usually it's funny and/or witty and/or sillly)
Better! Limericks traditionally begin with a reference to a person/place, e.g.: 'There once was a plumber from Pittsburgh...' However, it would be contradictory to the spirit of a limerick to disallow some flexibility, eh? I am quite fond of the double-dactyl, as well.
Allright fellow garderners, here's the first attempt at our collaborative limerick: There was once a frog in my pond,