My friends took those pictures in countryside near Seattle. It's september and the plant is about 2~2.5m tall. Since I am not familiar with non-Asian plants , I think its better to ask someone who's native here :) Thanks.
Hi - what if I told you it was native to China? Looks like Buddleja davidii (PDF file), an invasive weed locally.
The pictures are of Buddleia, a non- native plant that has become naturalized here on the west coast. Oddly enough it is an Asian plant.
Yes, i think it is a Buddleja. There are at least 5 types of Buddleja known to us here but David might be correct - B. davidii. This is a common garden plant here and favored by those who love butterflies because the flowers attract lots of them in summer.
Thanks for answer me. I am not good at plant-identify , and there is no Buddleja davidii in Taiwan. We have nativeBuddleja asiaticaand rare Buddleja curviflora Hook. & Arn(Buddleja formosana)(ONLY GROW IN 3 RED SPOT) Thanks again.