Greetings All, About 7-8 years ago I planted a plum tree, I believe it was Santa Rosa plums, but I could be wrong. The tree flowered and gave a respectable amount of fruit for its size, for the first several seasons. However, for the last 3 years or so, the tree continues to have leaves but has stopped producing flowers or fruit. The tree was growing aggressively during the time that it was fruiting. It was perhaps 4 feet tall when planted, and within 3-4 years it had shot up to perhaps 9-10 feet tall. Since it has stopped fruiting, it has also halted any noticeable branch growth Around the same time that the growth and fruiting halted, there was an incident where my dog ripped one of the major low-lying branches clean off the tree. Because she was bored, I guess. I don't know if a tree can be permanently injured by something like that happening. Patterns of watering and application of fertilizers have not changed, versus before and after the change in behavior of the tree was noted. Within the last 6 months or so, the bark on the lower part of the trunk is cracked and peeling off in places, and visible beneath it are multiple cracks in the wood of the trunk. These cracks are perhaps 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch wide, and running for 2-3 inches vertically. This is on a trunk with a circumference of about 11 inches. The tree is still leafing with the cracks present. There is also definite gopher activity in the area, including right up to the tree base. I failed to put a defensive perimeter of chicken wire into the ground when the tree was initially planted. My temptation is to rip the tree out and replace it with something more healthy. But my better half forced me to promise to do my research to make sure there wasn't a better solution before I resorted to something that permanent. Thanks for any help!