We have a 3 year old president plum tree that has done well in past years (very healthy & robust but little fruit). Recently I noticed that some of the leaves have small holes in them and some clusters of leaves have turned brown, curled and dried out. Other clusters of leaves further up the tree appear healthy. There are also small globules of a clear yellowish resin-like substance on a few of the branches. I've checked the leaves for aphids but have not noticed any. Any ideas about what steps to take to combat these symptoms? Attached Files
I am in the same boat as you Jonova. All 3 of these pictures are at my trees as well. Would really appreciate answer to as what causes them and how to get rid of these.
It might be Fire Blight. I see similar damage to a small percentage of new shoots on my plum, but I just prune them off and never see more extensive damage.