I have a Water Sprinkel System, and I water every other day about 5 mins a zone. But I have been Getting the UFO Spots in my yard ,, there is no dogs or cats around that we own, and I have taken Some pics to show. Plez if enyone has a ideal plez say so thanks !! What would be the best Seed to lay out ! Or what?
Fungus growth, such as Fairy Rings. Mushrooms may soon appear. You may be watering too often, depends on your soil and weather conditions. 5 minutes isn't very long, either, maybe you should water longer, perhaps also less often. Might be able to adjust it so that trunk of tree is not getting soaked each time, this may be detrimental to it eventually - some trees are prone to fungus attack if the crown gets wet.
Thanks so much for the info,,,I have 10 zone's with 5 mins per zone. Also I have been trying to dig up the Mushrooms everytime I see one. There Big and Hard into the ground. But your right they have been popping up alot. Mybe water one time a week and longer each time? Is there enything eles that I can do to fix problem??
You could probably try browsing through a book on lawn care or the lawn forum over at the GardenWeb website.
try putting coffee mugs in the zones and running your water cycle, see how much water is in the mugs when its done, that will give you an idea of actual amount o water you are applying. I would also lean to less frequent waterings with longer duration. depending on your soil type and emitter (sprinkler flow) rate.
If you water at night that can also be part of the problem. The lawn stays wet longer and that promotes fungal growth. Best time to water is early morning right around sunrise. That way the lawn will dry on top before it can sunburn but the soil will stay moist. Also as suggested, water for longer periods of time less often. That will promote deeper root growth in the grass and lead to a healthier lawn. You can try Daconil on the fungus areas; it's a good fungicide. Don't bother to put out seed until you have cleared up the fungus, it won't do well.
Yes this mite be it ,,,,,I was watering about 2 to 3 times a week with 10 zones and watering 5 min's per zone, and also in the evening around 7:00pm close to dark. HUMMMMM,,, I will try the coffie cups also I went to watering 1 time a week with 10 min's per zone. and the last time I did it was this past Sunday morning right when the sun was almost up. Thats some great Info !!! Mybe it will work, Do you think about 1 time a week or 2 times a week???? with 10 min's per zone.
it's not so important how long you run the zones as it is how much water they put out. You want enough water to get down into the soil at least an inch if not more. I don't know your soil type or what kind of lawn you have, the length of time you water will depend on whether it's clay or whatever. If the grass is thick (like St. Augustine) you will need more water maybe. Put out the coffee cans under where one of the sprinkler heads waters and see how much you get after it turns off. Then you can adjust your timer and zones. And yes, those are mushrooms or toadstools. Hope this helps.