Can anyone please suggest an evergreen shrub that grows no more than 8 ft tall and 5ft wide? I am planting it on the west side of the house where it will get morning shade and afternoon sun. I'm open to all suggestions. Thank you everyone!
Hi Michael, Mahonia aquifolium is very pretty. I checked them via Google images. Do you know how tall /wide it gets? I'm also open to other suggestions.
No shrub will grow to a specific size and then remain there, without growing larger. Choose something that has other attributes you like and then prune to control size, as needed. While good for blending differently textured broad-leaved evergreen shrubs tall Oregon grape often has a rust problem in nurseries and gardens here. The ornamental quality of different individuals is also variable, with many becoming quite gaunt (the killing and dropping of older leaves infested with rust probably adds to this tendency). Some also find the prickliness of the fallen leaves objectionable.
Thanks for your help. Is Camelia an evergreen? Will it grow well in morning shade and hot afternoon sun? I would love to plant them along the west side of my home. I really need a flowering evergreen shrub.
Try the Sasanqua Camellia. Outlets here feature these during their fall blooming season. This shrub enjoys the warmth of a sunny wall in cool climates and produces buoyantly fragrant flowers. It also does not generate the amazing mess of spent bloom that is one of the limitations of the far more common C. japonica. If you would rather have a more dense and stiff habit and a spring bloom, try one of the cultivars of C. x williamsii. These come almost exclusively in shades of pink. 'Donation' is an outstanding selection from this cross.
Ron, you're always a blessing! Thanks very much for helping me again. I will print this out and shop around. I'm not in a hurry to get them. I'm still in the planning stage. I think a long row of camelia would look very pretty along side my home on the west side. Mobile homes can appear so long and bare on that one side. When would be the best time to plant them please?
Hedge-like row of one kind of shrub probably will emphasize shape of dwelling rather than soften it. Try groupings of several different kinds of shrubs instead. Buy and plant Sasanqua Camellia in bloom during fall, when you can shop largest selection and view the flowers in person. Fall is the best season to plant all kinds of hardy plants. However, outlets do not have their full selection at this time. Many plants are stocked primarily or exclusively when in bloom, or in the case of various shade trees, roses and other items often dug in late fall and shipped by growers once per year, when still dormant in late winter/early spring.
Ron, I wondered if it would emphasize the length of the house. I'm glad you told me. Thanks. Groupings sounds better. Later, I should post a pic of that side of the house and get more ideas for shrubs that would work. You've got me excited about the Sasanqua Camellia. I looked at the pics on Google Images and found them. Camelias are very beautiful. I've already planted a red rose bush at the corner of the house. It is called "Firefighter". It's coming along great too. I check it everyday for blackspot and aphids. This forum is amazing. I am learning an awful lot about gardening. Thanks Ron.