Hey Folks, I am doing a trade with a nice lady and my part is to help her pick out a tree and plant it for her. I am not sure if a Japanese Maple would grow fast enough but if so I could spend up to $300-400 on one or another type of Maple would be fine also. There is a nursery nearby with a good selection of Japanese Maples. Here is the message with her request: "I want to plant a tree in my backyard where i lost my sugar maple in a storm last month. What do you recommend. Something that will provide shade eventually and fast growing. No crepe myrtles because the flowers fall in the pool in the summer. I would love your input" What would you recommend? Thanks!
Hello, A fast grower that is dense and will ultimately provide shade is Acer palmatum 'seiryu'. It stands up to sun well and will tolerate shade too. It's relatively easy to come by these days. In the other category, dependant on location, size of area, etc. If you have all kinds of room and want a large area of shade, then consider Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' or a similar but smaller choice would be Acer platanoides crimson sentry.
JT, Thank you for the excellent advice! I think she has decided on a October Glory Maple, do you think that would work for her?