Looking for a red dwarf or semi dwarf maple that can be container grown, handle heat, high humidity and direct sun. And pretty much be problem free. Many thanks. Jerry
That is a tall order for a J maple!! I lived near Tallahassee for many years and grew Jms there - all in pots. Those that did best were 'Orangeola' (a laceleaf) and Sharp's Pygmy (a dwarf green). The reds that I know of that can take that heat and sun are not dwarf types. Here on the shore in VA, the dwarf red that does best for me and is in full sun is 'Aratama' - also in a pot. Good luck! Keep us posted!
Hello jerry.Im a fellow Jacksonville resident.I have three red "shaina" growing as bonsai in Neptune bch.They love full sun as long as you water them in the evening so the water dropplets dont scorch the leaves.You do have to monitor any plants growing in pots around here daily to make sure that the soil doesnt dry out.Humidity isnt a problem.