I have transplanted several of these from my neighbor's yard, but neither of us know the name or how to care for them. Any assistance would be appreciated. I have seen them around Guam growing like bushes about 4-5 ft high bushy, but narrow at the base. They had a shock after transplanting but then the flower started showing. Now they look like their dying. Thanks for your assistance.
Welcome to UBC forums. Looks like Allamanda. Possibly Allamanda cathartica. http://www.google.co.uk/search?suge...YCQ&biw=1536&bih=776&sei=vVoOUInQN8Oq0AWN0oFo
Thank you soo much! It's a much hardier plant than I gave it credit for. I checked out a few sites, and this one give care for it as a houseplant and information regarding new plantings. http://www.guide-to-houseplants.com/golden-trumpet.html Thanks again, I will try a trellis on a few of them, I've replanted 5 already! In our cement block houses, having color come up the walls will add a lot of beauty! Hopefully this one will grow nicely with my pumpkins! I thought the colors would be great together, but need to find out if they are compatable still. Now that I know what they're called, I can find out! Thanks!