Hi all, I planted an acorn in 2018 and am wondering what type of oak (?) it is. I picked it up on East 3rd between Lakewood and Templeton in Vancouver. I am very novice when it comes to anything like this so your help is appreciated!
That was no acorn - it was the seed from a horse chestnut (not really a chestnut, just the common name), based on what is growing here. These can grow to be very big trees. The botanical name is Aesculus hippocastanum.
In UK the seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum...common name Horse chestnuts are called conkers. Children used to play a game with them...until Health and safety took a grip. conkers - Google Search children conkers - Google Search
They are beautiful trees for large landscapes--parks and such, but I would not plant one in my yard--too large and messy.