I need help identifying this palm tree. I saw it on my vacation in Maui, Hawaii and would like to buy some for my house, if it will survive in Texas. Thanks in advance!!!
Ravenala madagascariensis. Actually not a palm, more closely related to bananas and Strelitzia. Sorry, no, it won't survive in TX, except perhaps in the extreme south around Brownsville.
I live in Beaumont which is right on the line of Zone 8 & 9, closer to 9 the same as Brownsville. Is it worth the risk in trying to grow them? I just wonder how a couple of days in the 30's would affect them, we really don't have much of a winter. Thanks for your help.
It's not just the absolute minimum but the duration of the freezing temperatures. Even though Austin would be considered 9a in the new Arborday Zone Map our multi-day freezes preclude growing most zone 9 plants. Typically we're below freezing 24 to 72hrs nonstop I fear the same applies to you in Vidor. HTH Chris