I have these two plants for a while.Unfortunately I don't know what kind of care they need.Can you help me to find the name of my plants?
I recognise the second one but can't recall the name. Treat it like an African Violet and it will love you forever! ahah. Gloxinia, maybe?
I have checked celosia in internet.I did not recognize my plant.But I will check deeply again.Thank you very much.
Yes..It's leaf is the same kind of african violet.. I have african violet.So I can treat it like african violet easily. If you can recall the name we will be so happy..:) Thank you very much.
Pictures of chenille plants. http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=chenille+plant&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi The gesneriad is a Kohleria or similar genus.
Yesss.. My mother has this plant more than 15 years..This is the first time that I have face with it in a source.. Thank you soo much.