I recently bought a plant that I thought looked cute, at first i believed it to be a small money tree. However after looking up the description of the money tree, it does not sprout out 5 leaves at each point. Yet the stems braided the same way a money tree is. I'm now totally confused what plant it is. Can someone help? thanks
Definitely not Podocarpus. Some sort of Dracaena-type thing (i.e., a monocot, not a conifer), though I don't know what.
Podocarpus nagi photo for comparison. http://www.engeinavi.jp/db/image/1484.jpg http://image.www.rakuten.co.jp/chigusa/img10402295647.jpeg HTH Chris
Note the opposite leaves; the mystery plant has alternate/spirally arranged leaves. PS Nageia nagi (formerly Podocarpus nagi)
Thanks for the heads up on the name change Michael. Best I can see is that it's opposite to sub-opposite. So while I can't rule out your suggestion I have doubts. Regards Chris
Well, I think I can narrow it down to the genus Agathis. http://www.botanypictures.com/plantimages/agathis macrophylla 01.JPG , http://www.botanypictures.com/plantimages/agathis dammara 02 menglun xtbg.jpg I am growing Agathis robusta right now. The foliage looks pretty close. There are several species of Agathis, all of which have similar foliage.
I'm not sure if it helps or not, but I had some one read the Chinese description and the first word is bamboo, the second word, PAC, seems to be nothing more than a name rather than a description. But then again the labeling could be wrong.
Agathis seems like a good match. "Adult leaves opposite, decussate, oval to linear, flat, broad, leathery, thick, with multiple parallel veins, sometimes glaucous beneath, with a short broad petiole, spirally arranged on main branchlets, opposite or alternate on side branchlets, reddish when young, turning dark green, leaving a rough cushion-like scar after they fall." Thanks markinwestmich. Chris
Doesn't look like Agathis to me, that has much stiffer, more rigid leaves, also broader and less acuminate at the apex, and ditto for stiffer stems. Still looks like a monocot to me.
I agree that the stems are not what I am used to seeing with Agathis. I don't think I could have braided my young seedlings like that. If Michael thinks it is a monocot, and ming01 claims it labeled as bamboo, then that seems to fit.