Could you please tell me the name of this plant? From southern Thailand. The Thai name is Kluay moonsong ( bananas for civets).
Hi, I'm guessing on this, but could it be Artocarpus heterophyllus, the jakfruit or jackfruit in english? The finger-like structures are the male flowers. The knobbly green stucture would be a very immature compound fruit and the yellow "bananas" are the mature individual fruits. As the fruit matures it develops a strong musty smell - this could lead to your name of civet banana? Just a wild guess from someone who has never been to Asia! Good luck. BrianO
Thanks bjo, But it is not jackfruit. This fruit inside is slimmy like aloe vera and the outside is covered with small itchy hairs. It's found in the mangroves. Thanks for taking your time.