Good eye, Skip. Ron B. is an ace. Not exactly guerilla gardening, but the lives you save will thank you. Sometimes overly plenteously. Be careful;) I used to acquire a lot of our garden plants by spiriting them from the evil eyes of the bulldozers and chipper/shredders. My favourite story was when my wife and I were liberating plants from an incoming subdivision. Houses boarded up, properties going slightly feral. Early to mid Spring. Thought we'd died and gone to heaven with all the peonies we'd dug up. Turned out to be lovage. LOL (Gave most away but still have some, almost twenty years later.)
Artemisia frigida - a native plant; provides a nice silvery accent and is well-behaved in the garden.
Ok thanks all, will move forward on moving plant to ,y place. There are several so it will not be the end of th era there. Thanks much for all your help and please keep going Ron B we need you here and want to keep you here. It is so good to ask a que3stion and receive an answer we can trust. Skip