Hello! I'm new there but i've read many threads on this great forum! First of all i apologize for my english which is bad. I'll do my best to make you understand what i'm writing! :) Some days ago i found near a rubbish bin in my city a plant in terrible conditions. It had only a green vine with some leaves and many brown vines climbing on a pole, the typical pole used for house plants! I was sorry for that poor plant thrown away and i took the green vine home and put it in water. I know it's hard to ID it because of its conditions, but perhaps there is some one who can identify it! The vine is 30 centimetres long with some air roots. I posted in this section because i'm sure it's an Aroid!
Thank you for your answer! I'm quite sure about Philodendron, not about Scandens because i've got one P. scansens at home and it's different!
I'm back after some months. The cutting survived and now it's a nice plant. It is a Monstera deliciosa. Maybe M. deliciosa var Borsigiana, but i am not sure about it. Can someone help me?
Very good site thank you! My doubts are about the fact if it is a var Borsigiana or not. But maybe it needs some time to reveal itself.