Hello. I'm new to this so please bear with me. I have two problem I hope can be helped. I bought a plant from Home Depot and I need to know what kind it is and how to care for it. I will post a pic of it. The other thing is a fungus knat problem I am having. Whats the best way to get these things under control? I heard course sand helps, but I have aprox 8 different plants in my apartment and I really want to get rid of them asap. Is there a point of no return for these knat? Will I have to trash all my plants? Hope to hear from someone soon about this!
Hi Brolli .. your plant is a Yucca Cane .. here is a link to some info .. http://www.denverplants.com/foliage/html/ycane.htm also here is a link for the fungus gnats .. i hope it helps .. http://www.denverplants.com/foliage/html/FungusGnats.htm Marn