I was given this plant as a gift and am struggling to keep it alive. It's flower is one big petal (not sure the correct term). Does anyone know what type it is ?? Thank! Jess
Its a Spathiphyllum. The "one big petal" is actually a modified leaf called a spath and the flower cluster is the knobby structure it surrounds. Spathiphyllum are found in the wild growing along streams and do best with "wet feet". They need plenty of water and can even tolerate some standing water in the saucer. The leaves will quickly droop when the plant is too dry.
Looks like a Spathiphyllum - commonly called a Peace Lily. They're very easy aroids to care for - water them when they get dry and they're good for years and years. They also help clean your air of toxins and pollutants. The "flower" you're seeing is actually the inflorescence of the plant. The one "petal" is called the spathe, and the bumpy piece is shields is called the spadix (which is where the actual flowers are, but they're almost microscopic.) More on the structure of this type of flower can be found here.
Thank you so much! It was given to me hanging, and I wasnt sure if that is where it is "happiest".. I will research Good to know about the toxins!
It's going to be happiest in indirect light; in nature they're understory plants so they don't ever really see the sun....