Please Help!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by luly255, May 14, 2007.

  1. luly255

    luly255 Member

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    New Iberia La USA
    My peace lilly is or shall I say whats left of two peace lillies that I merged are slowly producing new leaves and It has a few of the old ones left.. I went to re-pot it and noticed that the roots are extremely long.. I mean long and theres millions of it.... It looks funny because whats on top of the soil doesn't look so big but below the soil is a monster! My plant isn't that big or full... Should I cut some of those roots. from what you see ofd the plant you shouldn't pot it in a large pot but if you see the roots you kinda have to... what do I do?
  2. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]

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