Please help with my plant.

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by rm619, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. rm619

    rm619 Member

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    Manila, Philippines
    Well I believe that what I have here is a kind of cactus. When I first got it some months ago it was healthy. It grew big quickly. But as you can see in the picture the center is now turning brownish. And when I checked it today it had sort of collapsed a bit and became a darker brown. Can anyone tell me if there is something I can still do, what caused my plant to get sick, or if maybe it has reached the end of its life expectancy? And also the name of the plant. Thanks in advance.

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  2. Wask

    Wask Active Member

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    Victoria, Canada
    Overwatering will cause rotting.
  3. rm619

    rm619 Member

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    Manila, Philippines
    I only water it every other day, though. Is it too much?? =S It's now gotten worse, can I still do anything to save it? =[

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  4. wazungy

    wazungy Active Member 10 Years

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    Well, if it is a cactus and you have been watering it every other day... then you have overwatered it.

    It is a very interesting looking plant. I think I would like one just like it.
    Do you know what it is?

    I would recommend you unpot it if possible, and let it dry out completely.
    Remove any rotted parts as soon as possible (the squishy stuff).
    If you cannot unpot it, keep it in a warm dry place, maybe put a fan near it to speed the drying of the soil.

    There are grafting methods you can use to try to save a plant but these are probably not apliccable as it seems likely that you do not know what the plant actually is.

    If the little sections of the plant fall off readily I would try to get one to root in a separate container. Plant it in dry soil and wait 2 or 3 weeks to see if it roots.

    Good luck
  5. rockminer

    rockminer Active Member

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    Northern California, USA
    It is hard to tell from your pics exactly what you have as species. The light green one may be a Stapelia or Huernia. All cacti and succulents can be sensitive to overwatering. In the winter I wait for wrinkling of the skin of the plant to tell me it wants a drink. Otherwise they stay very dry. I still water pretty sparingly in the growing season and have little problem with rot. I would do as wasungy has advised regarding unpotting the plants. Get rid of all the squishy parts and cut the stems to good green material. Then let the cut ends callous (form a dry scab) in the air before placing them in cacti mix or dry sand to start the rooting process. Watering at this point will only cause more problems. You can check the rooting process and only water once the new roots show and then very sparingly.

    It is very easy to "overcare" for succulent plants.

    Hope you are succesfull in the salvage of your interesting plants.

  6. rm619

    rm619 Member

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    Manila, Philippines
    Thank you all for replying. I was able to save only a couple of parts, almost the entire plant had rotted. =[ I'll know better next time not to overwater!

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