The 1st plant I am completely unsure of and would love to know. The 2nd I believe to be an Opuntia microdasys. I am right? The 3rd is definately an Echeveria, but not sure which one, maybe lilacina? The 4th I believe to be a Haworthia coarctata or reinwardtii...I got this one in Amsterdam The 5th is either a Haworthia, but unsure if fasciata or can you tell the difference? The 6th is a Haworthia, but which one? Maybe a pomila? The 7th is either a Haworthia, but unsure if fasciata or can you tell the difference? (again!) The 8th and 9th are the same, but not sure which variety. They have not flowered yet. The 10th I would really like to know..please help!
Thanks, I agree that #1 looks a lot like a Ledebouria, I have been searching for that for ages, many thanks. Any help with the rest, especially #10 please?
My take on them: 1. Yes, Ledebouria socialis (was Scilla) 2. Yes, Opuntia microdasys var. albispina 3. Could be Echeveria lilacina, but not sure. Have you seen flowers yet? 4. Looks like Haworthia coarctata var. coarctata to me. 5. & 7. Haworthia attenuata Differences: On H. fasciata, the flat part of the leaf facing the center of the pant is smooth and clear. Also, the leaves on H. fasciata are shorter, fatter, and straighter. Plant will develop into short columns, where an H. attenuata will not. 6. Could be Haworthia pumila, but looks like it could be a hybrid. Seems more flattened out to me. 8. & 9. Two different plants? They don't look the same to me (but close). At 1st glance, looks like Mammillaria bocasana, but I can't make out the central spines. Are they hooked spines? 10. Is a Haworthia, but hard to say which! :( Looks somewhat like H. turgida v. suberecta, but not really...if you know what I mean. You can have fun looking through this site:
Hi, thanks Rosmarie, The Echeveria has flowered before, but I do not remember the flowers. I will post a picture next time (maybe winter) when they do. Thanks very much for helping with the fasciata/attenuata problem, I have been looking for that information for a long time : ) #6 is confusing isn't it? Maybe a hybrid as you say..I wish I had kept the labels now! I have only got serious about succulents recently and regret not caring about their ID when I bought them; I just thought they were 'nice' at the time. 8&9 were bought as little pups together in the same pot a few years ago. I divided them recently and one has become quite hairy, I am fairly sure they are of the same species. I suspected #10 was a Haworthia, but despite hours of searching I have not managed to put my finger on which one. I will check out that link you said... Many thanks and respect for your time, Russ
You're very welcome, Russ! I'm used to seeing Echeveria lilacina more compact & the leaves not looking quite so wide...but it is possible. I have pix of mine with flowers...somewhere...maybe on the ext. hard drive I'm currently unable to access. Sigh! Wait! I found some I uploaded to my Photobucket album. The way this one looks is unlike any other Echeveria, IMO. The blooms are delicately hanging on the arching inflorescence. As for not having labels on your plants anymore. I'll guess they weren't correct in the first place. :) So, just continue to enjoy them...even if they are never named! Are the cactus central spines hooked? Haworthia are SO much fun to figure out!
Hey Rosemarie, Thanks for the lilicana pics. When mine did flower, I am pretty sure they did not look like that, so I guess they must be a different species. Oh well, never mind. I didn't used to care about the names, but now I have got into collecting different species, it is nice to know what I've got! The cactus spines do not seem to have any hooks, does that help? I do have a Mammillaria cactus, and there are simililarities. It is hard to tell at this juvenile stage, I may have to wait until they flower. Thanks again for your help : ) All the best, Russ
I like knowing what I have, too, Russ! If I don't, I keep plugging away...hoping someday I'll find out! Maybe your Echeveria is E. runyonii. I haven't had one, so don't know the blooms on it. The leaves on yours are wider than I've seen for it, but it's a possibility. Blooms will help ID it. No hooks, then not M. bocasana...but they are Mammillaria. Please post when they flower. :) Glad to help when I'm able!