At an orchid show recently,I purchased a huge, what I thought to be a Cattleya. [the vender told me it was scented and a Catt. The tag on this plant says:L.Pulcherima on one side, and L.purpuratumcamea x L.labata 'Jeni', on the other. Yes, I tried looking it up on the net, but couldn't come up with what type,etc. this orchid is. So thought I would try the forum, to see if anyone could help!?
Hi Ron B, I have a Laeliocatt, and its tag says: Lc. I guess it does'nt really matter, I guess i'll wait till it blooms [bought it with one pb,with a sheath] Also,guess a lesson was learned! Don't buy, what you don't check out thourougly!
Thanks Ron,if it gets to blooming, I'll post a pic of the flower. I'm thinking, its pretty tough to judge, by the greenery.
Lc = Laeliocattleya L= Laelia Seems to be a Laelia x Laelia cross Usually similar growing conditions to a Cattleya Good luck & enjoy
Label could have been written by someone not using conventions for abbreviations, in which case "L." might not necessarily = Laelia only. Otherwise, yes, it would seem to be a Laelia. You can probably find the rest of its naming listed somewhere with some searching or by asking some orchid people.
Did you get your threads mixed up Michael? Help! Does anyone know what these are? I didn't see the second photo here? Simon
Thanks Sierra and Ron. I took a pic today, of a shadow, in the sheath of the plant. I'm hoping its the emerging flowers!!?
Well, IF what you have is Laelia Pulcherima (laelia puprpurata x l. lobata) then you have a seriously misspelled label <G>. It's a beautiful plant with both purple and alba forms. There are photos of both forms located here at - Love to see which form you have.
Oh My!! if this is what I have, i'll be so happy!!! lol Thank you for the lovely pic, Sierra, and I'll keep you posted as to what kind it is!! Alba, means white?? Thanks Ron, for straitening out the missunderstanding on my sig. pic. It is a Jasmine called 'Maid of Orleans' and is just delicious scented!!
To get back to your original question: your plant is probably a complex Laelia hybrid. The confusing label arises from the common practice of orchid breeders selling off all their surplus seedling plants as unnamed hybrids, designated by hybrid formulas rather than by registered grex names. If you have trouble understanding what that means, do a search on "orchid hybrids" or "orchid hybrid names" and you will find some helpful articles. The names on your label are garbled, maybe badly handwritten or just plain misspelt. The first parent should be Laelia Pulcherrima. This is the grex name for crosses of L. lobata and L. purpurata. That has been crossed with another hybrid, the cross inside the brackets. The first parent inside the brackets is Laelia purpurata 'Carnea', the second is Laelia lobata 'Jeni'. Unless I misunderstand the naming rules for orchids, this should also take the grex name Laelia Pulcherrima! What this all seems to amount to is the cross Laelia Pulcherrima x Laelia Pulcherrima, which should therefore still take the name Laelia Pulcherrima! Though presumably there is a mix of color selections ('Jeni', 'Carnea' and maybe others too) among the parent plants. But these don't alter the grex name. What seems to be certain is that your plant is a Laelia, not a Laeliocattleya.
Thank you Tony! I knew it was'nt a Laliocattleya, because I have one of those, and it is labled Lc. The vender at the time, told me it was a Catt, and it wasn't before I got it home that I had a good look at the tag. Whichever, it appears that it's going to bloom, so her name can be Mystery, until she flowers!! lol
Well,shes started to open!! It appears to me, it probably will look similar to this pic you posted Sierra. I'll post in a few days, the fully opened flower.