I bought this plant a year and a half ago from walmart. It didn't have a tag in it saying what it was, I just liked it. I never had any problems with it until about 6 months ago when a friend knocked it over and I lost 3 other parts to it I think it was stressed to much. Now there's only these two left but they have strugled. The leaves are starting to droop and it seems like down by the roots is getting a bit soft I hope its not to late I hope I can save it I love this plant. someone help!! It would help so much just to know what it is.
It looks like, Aglaonema commutatum (Chinese evergreen) They pretty much like bright indirect light, water thoroughly when close to dry. Fertilize lightly in the spring and summer.
Hi, it looks like an Agalonema to me. It is a tropical plant so may be suffering from the onset of cooler conditions. If you search all UBC forums for Agalonema you'll find that a few people have been lookung for info on this plant: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/search.php?searchid=742788 If the plant is pot bound or in a soggy mix, it may be worthwhile repotting in a free draining potting mix and only watering when the top inch of soil is dry. Hold off with fertiliser etc as it is not a growing period and the plant doesn't really need it.
will it multiply? or will it only stay two stems? should I buy more to plant with it or will it get bigger on its own?
there's more info about caring for it on the other thread you started... as for multiplying, yes it will send out babies. you can either leave them attached or cut them off when they've got a decent root system going.
What I did when I only had two plants in a pot, was cut the tops off (5"-7") and re-rooted them back into the same pot leaving the already rooted ones intact. New growth sprouted from the older stems near the cuts which eventually gave me four plants. You can buy more new plants and add them for an instant fill, or keep cutting and rooting the tops as they grow until the pot is full.
how do I cut the top? Just straight off or at an angle? I dont want to mess it up. my boyfriend says to cut off just the leaf.
often times, you can take a leaf and root it. with this particular type of plant you need a piece of the cane (stalk) to root and then new leaves will grow from it. i don't know if straight across or on an angle matters - maybe do one of each (on two of them) and see which one roots more quickly. leaving the one as is and you'll have a nice arrangement of varying sizes! oh, and let us know which cut works better!