Please help Myer Lemon transplant: leaves curling dying?

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by goodguy, May 26, 2008.

  1. goodguy

    goodguy Member

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    San Leandro, CA
    Hi everyone. I have purchased a 3-4 year old Myer Lemon from the nursery in a box. The box was very dense with roots (ready to pop) I dug a hole 2x the width and to the height of the root ball. I mixed in some potting soil and lots of organic compost and covered the thing. I watered deeply once, then again in three days. (placed a few fertilizer steaks 2 feet from the trunk)
    The tree seemed fine for a week, now the leaves have started curling, and all the flowers fell off. Now is week two since the transplant and all the leaves are curled. I checked with a moisture meter: the root ball area was kind of dry, however outside of the root ball area the soil was wet. I watered with two gallons 2 days ago, and today the soil is moist, but the leaves are curling even worse.

    Please help me save my tree!!!

    Some history: I have dug up a mature tree a few months ago and tried to plant it in the same spot, I was told to water alot, so I watered every day, then it rained for two weeks, the tree was good for a week, then the leaves began to curl, then it died.... and the ground remained wet for weeks at a time. It looks like this tree is going through the same process.
  2. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    I offer the same advice that I gave to your identical post on another forum. - Millet

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