Hey I have never had a peach tree before so i need some help. I got the tree in late July at a nursey. When I got it, it had no fruit on it just some leaves that were green, red, and yellow it tiny holes in them that were outlined in black. When we took the tree home we left it in the pot for a couple of days. Then I noticed this orangish clear sap stuff at the the base of the where meet the ground and also up in the tree. I looked it up and it told me that I had tree borers so I washed all the dirt away form the roots and removed the larve with a clothes hanger, there were two larve. I went to lowes and spoke to someone about my problem and she gave me some fertilized soil with nitrogen in it and this Bayer Advanced stuff that you put on the ground around the tree, that suppose to fertilized the tree and gets rid off pest. I planted the tree and used the Bayer Advanced stuff as directed. In all this time there is no new growth taking place. The leaves haved turn completely red and fall off. Two weeks has gone by and still no new growth has taken place. And now I have completely no leaves on the tree. The sappy stuff has gone away. I did the scratch test were you scratch the bark away to see it it is green underneath to see if it is still alive and it was still green and the tip of the limbs are still green. I live in Greenville, South Carolina and we are currently going through a really bad drought right now. It is a Red Haven Red Globe Freestrone Peach Tree. I haven't sprayed it with anything cause I don't know what is best. I know winter is coming soon is my tree going dormant soon or is it dying and if so will it come back next year? What should I do? Thank You for you help. Brian
The tree sounds like it is dying. I would return ii to the nursery. First of all it should never had peach tree borer especially from a good nursery. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/notes/O&T/trees/note141/note141.html You can purchase a new tree and replant it. This website will help you out http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/hil/ag30.html Red Haven is a good peach Good luck Cheers
I guess the only thing to do is see if it survives. If it is has little or no leaves it probably won't make it. But you never know. Good luck. all the best. Cheers
the tree has buds on it but at the tips it looks a tiny ball of cotton and the tips of the limbs are green