This is my indoor cactus for my table. I have both this few months ago. But recently I am noticing some changes of it. The upper part of it is leaning over. And also inside it is truing white or light yellow. The soil is still the same and I did not used anything else expect water.
Move it to the brightest possible light exposure. As in near a large south-facing window with no blinds or curtains - at least during daylight hours. Failing that put it close to a strong source of artificial light.
Thanks a lot Sir. it is true that it don't get any sunlight. Because the shopkeeper told me that it don't need any sunlight for this kind of cactus.
Epiphytic species from cloud forests such as the very frequently offered Schlumbergera. Which in my area are a standard item at outlets presenting potted plants for indoor use. Including grocery stores - the wholesale production facilities generating these plants year after year must have sent out many thousands of them by now.
Schlumbergera is a tree dwelling species. I haven't been in a cloud forest, but I suppose, that there is pretty wide range of habitats with different light conditions. Which one exactly Schlumbergera prefers - tree tops, mid crowns, lower trunks? I have 2 Cristmas cactuses hanging directly in front of an east (EES) facing window, but they still look like light deprived by spring. There is very little sunlight at my lattitude (59.3N) in wintertime.
My cuctus seems recovering !!!! I can't believe that after only 2 days my tree seems getting better!!! Thanks a lot