The tree, is probably about 50', as with the previous tree, it is located near where I live in (Devon, UK) and the photos were taken this afternoon (Jan 31st). I was thinking maybe a Japanese Cedar, after discounting a swamp cypress.
Thanks again Ron B. I will have to have a poke at it, I dont think its even listed in any of the books I have here :<.
Agreed, Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa' (a Sawara Cypress cultivar). If it isn't in your books, get a new one! Any of Alan Mitchell's field guides is recommended.
It is listed in one of the books I have here, but only as a little aside, and the foliage looks so different from a generic that I didnt even look at it. Hillier lists innumerable cultivars I presume Squarrosa is a very common one. Is this is what you had in mind for Alan Mitchell's field guides? If so i will grab my self a copy.