A coworker of mine gave me this pathetic plant to try and save. I have no idea what type of plant it is, so I can't look up how best to care for it as far as light, watering, etc. Can anyone tell me what this is? It has 2 tall stalks, one of which has curved inward, with a set of leaves at the top. Previously there were several long skinny vine-like growths out from the bottom of the plant but those were several feet long and the leaves were mostly dead so I cut the vines off. It used to sit in front of a window and I am wondering if it has done so bad because maybe it is a low-light plant. Thanks for any help you can offer!
it looks like a corn plant to me .. a type of Dracaena .. and it looks like it was lacking in sunlight .. if the dirt is really dry then give it a lil water .. and put it in a filtered sunlight window .. untlill it looks a lil better then u can move it to a lil brighter after .. good luck with it .. Marn