I have attached a picture of the tree in my yard that I am trying to identify. If anyone can help, please let me know. Thank you.
mmmm.... I looked at the american elm and the Zelkova and it does not look to be the same tree? It stays green and does not ever change colors and if I am not mistaken there was some type of long white flower that grew on it last summer but the flower was kinda hidden and you could not really see it that good...UGH - I have been everywhere searching.... anyone have any other ideas maybe. Thank you so much for your suggestions!!
My first thought was Prunus maybe serotina, but try this site of trees of the Southeastern US: http://www.cas.vanderbilt.edu/bioimages/index/southeast-trees-sci.htm
darn, yeah I dont think that is the one. Thank you so much for the link and the suggesstions! Please keep them coming if anyone has any ideas...Thanks again!
I agree with RonB, it sure does look like a young Zelkova, probably Z.carpinifolia{Z.crenata}, Caucasian Elm. The picture quality is to poor to really nail down the proper ID on it. Light yellow flowers, ranging through to pink.