I was just walking thru the woods in a very dark colored muddy area on a streams banks, very swampesque, i am very familiar with these woods and have never seen one before and there were hundreds. this is a picture of one that was broken off by probably deer or other woodland creatures and is a bit damaged. I wnated a better picture but its now too dark to venture back with a camera for the day otherwise i'd have a better picture. they were mostly submerged in the mud with very aloe like leaves i can get a better picture of a live and intact one in its natural habitat if it'll help. I'm very glad i've jsut found this site, i hope it can help i find new things like this all of the time.
thanks thank you for your rapid response i have seen those around in after they've grown more. I'm still fairly new to trying to identifing different plants and their possible uses if any. your valuable help is much appreciated