These are thriving in my Vancouver backyard. Lovely perennial just now coming into bloom. Very hardy. But I haven't been able to identify. (Thanks to those who have been helping -- I'm working on correct names for all the lovely flowers I've been tending for years, but never identified!)
Oh and if anyone can help identify this daisy-like perennial. It's past bloom in part of the garden but still blooming in a sunnier spot. Embarrassing that it's my ID photo on this forum but I don't know what it is!
First one: Lysimachia punctata, large yellow loosestrife. Third one: Lamium. I'm too confused by what I'm seeing to give the full name. Is this yellow archangel?
Sorry to rain on your parade Rhea. The plants you admire are indisputably beautiful but . . . most are on the BC Invasive Species List. Invasive Plants | They are there for good reasons. Their ability to thrive in adverse conditions endears them to gardeners' hearts but they betray that devotion by growing far and wide, taking over habitat formerly occupied by native BC species. Even though you may think you have them under control in your own garden, their seeds can be distributed much beyond. First is Lysimachia punctata Lysimachia punctata (Yellow Loosestrife) It is on the BC Invasive Plant List: Yellow Loosestrife | Second is, I think, Doronicum orientale (Leopard's Bane), a well-behaved perennial. Third is Lamium galeobdolon (Yellow Archangel), I could personally tell you stories of where this plant has taken over huge areas, for example in Burnaby ravines. Vinca minor (Common periwinkle) is another plant found on: At this point you may be wondering what you can replace these invasives with and I know there are others, besides me, who could give you some suggestions. You obviously love beautiful plants and there are so many easy-care choices which are not invasive.
Yes, that's absolutely it. No wonder it's so hardy -- invasive. But it's been in the garden for a decade and is well controlled (maybe because soil is poor), so I think I can leave it in...
Thank you so much for this info. This Forum is such a wonderful resource. This is a mature, though large and sprawling, garden and the Loosestrife hasn't spread beyond the boundaries of the garden, been there decades, so I think it's okay to leave. Ditto the Yellow Archangel, which in fact hasn't spread much even within the garden. It's working as ground cover under the very old magnolia and rhodos. My real problem with invasive is the buttercups, and I think of the Yellow Archangel as keeping them in check!! Glad the Leopard's Bane is well behaved. It's lovely in blossom. Thank you so much again. Rhea