I just got this bonsai and it's so beautiful, I would hate to think of it dying because it received the wrong care. Could someone please tell me what kind of bonsai it is and the care it needs.... Thanks so much, :-) Veronica
Ehretia buxifolia Fukien Tea: http://www.bonsaiglobal.com/generos/carmona/carmona3boli.jpg care info: http://www.bonsaiweb.com/care/faq/ehretia.html
Not that it matters for the care of the plant, but the proper nomenclature may be Carmona microphylla instead of Ehretia buxifolia: http://www.plantatlas.usf.edu/synonyms.asp?plantID=4139
it seems you have a fukien tea (carmona microphylla). this is a tropical species and should not be exposed to temps below 60 deg. or so. generally they like a sunny position, and should be placed out doors in summer time. dont expose them to winds as the plant will dry out quickly. a little breeze is ok just not a constant desicating windy position. you should water it freely through out the year, but check that the soil has allowed to dry between waterings. being a tropical does mean its used to a humid enviroment, but, not water logged soil!! use descretion. they prefer a deep container also. in summer time you should mist spray the leaves daily to promote a humid atmosphere. you should feed the tree with a slow acting organic fertilizer to lower the risk of burning the roots and foliage. you should never fertilize your tree in july or august (that goes for any bonsai). carmona is prone to aphid attacks and scale insects. i suggest usage of neem oil as a deterant. you can find it at lowes and when applying remember that "less is more" because you can burn the leaves. hope ive been helpfull. good luck with your tree!!