Hi, I'm new to plants. I have 3 I need to identify. I hope you can help me. I have posted the plants on this page. http://www.geocities.com/jsplants/NameMe.html The ones I need to identify are #'s F, H and K Thank you for your time and help. Janet
Hi If you have tried to view my page i'm sorry sometimes geocities website is down. They have been revising their site for the last couple of weeks. I promise my page is there if you get the error page message and says it will be available in an hour it usualy is. If you would just check back. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Janet
Hi Chris, Thank you for helping me. Looking up Epiphyllum that seems to be the plant. It's from an orchard type family. I've had it since January this year. Not sure how long my friend had it or how old this plant is. I've never seen it bloom. Do you know when it might bloom? It also said this is an indoor plant. I've had it outside since January. It seems to be doing ok where it's at except it looks like its going all over the place. Should I bring it in or repot it? Janet
Hi Chris, Plant F looks like it might be a Colocasia, aka taro http://www.floridata.com/ref/c/colo_esc.cfm This really doesn't look like the plant I have maybe because mine is smaller then the pics I found of it. I haven't seen this plant bloom either. My neighbor says this could be a type of Philodendron but she has never seen one that looks like it has a corn stalk for a base. Janet
Janet it would be most helpful if you could post a picture or two to this forum, your geocities page keeps exceeding the limit and fails to display repeatedly. If it is not Colocasia it could be Alocasia....
I keep my Epiphyllums on our south-facing front porch all year round but out of direct sunlight. Starting late October I allow them to dry out completely until new growth appears the following April. During this time they are subjected to freezing temperatures. ANY moisture during these freezing temperature would kill them, but bonedry most of them not only survive, they thrive. (see attached pictures). It is the cold temperatures that induces bud-set. Hope this helps, good luck.
Janet: it's difficult to tell from the small picture and without a flower, but I suggest you look at Alocasia here. It might be Alocasia gagaena 'California' or C. wentii, but I can't be sure.