The stems are about 25 cm and the leaves about the same size, I have in full sun an other in total shade, the only difference is that the one under full sun has bigger leaves. Thanks in advance
Yes all the other plants tropicals, I live in a subtropical clima. The palms behind are Areca, mongo grass and Croton. Thank you Ron
Some pictures here look similar. When you get into tropicals there can be a large number of species in a particular genus or plants can look quite similar but not even be in the same genus - yours isn't necessarily the same exact one. However, as with temperate gardening there are certain common types that many people grow.
Yes Alphonso, I agree with Ron, calathea, whether or not it is C. lutea or not hard to tell. Does yours have silver undersides? C. lutea can grow tall, whereas yours look like a groundcover. That is only a summation from the photo.... Ed
Ed, the leaves are green on both sides so there is no "silver" The plant has been in the ground for more than 15 years and its height is about 50 cm. So you, like Ron, think this is a Calathea? Thanks
What does the flower look like ? Many would no bother growing a plain green plant unless the flower was fantastic . Most of the Calatheas I have seen have colourful and or patterned foliage .
I do grow plants for the foliage rather than the flowers, unfortunately I have not seen flowers yet, when it have flowers I will post a picture. What you say "Most of the Calatheas I have seen have colourful and or patterned foliage" I agree with you, and since my plant does not have either one, just plain green leaves that are shaped like a pin pong racket. Thank you trikus