This is my first post. My neighbor bought a hanging basket with this plant in it, because it was so unusual, but she knows nothing about it, water, light, temps, etc. Can anyone help me? I am not finding it in any of my books. Thanks! Sharon
and quick! sheesh! This is for the southern hemisphere, but it may help:
Okay, so this plant could bear fruit? I didn't know that! This was sold in a local store as a decorative hanging basket along with the wave petunias, bleeding hearts, begonias, etc. There was no ID info on the basket anywhere. I don't think the store buyer knew what they were buying, or when they did, they took off the ID tag so they wouldn't get stuck with it. Amazing! I don't think it will survive the Northern Illinois winter, though. And from what I understand, it would not be suitable for our little houses with dry winter air, if it was to be brought inside, if we had the room for it! I have learned it is Zone 8a in the US, grows 12-18 ft. tall, spreads 6-8 ft., has some poisonous parts, and is perennial. But the data did not say anything about fruit. Are some types not fruit-bearing? I got my info at once I got the name. Thanks! Sharon