Just brought this plant and wanted to know the ID of it and whether is it suitable in that "snail-shell container".
variegated hoya carnosa. the shell isn't quite right for it. it needs some bit of soil medium to grow in, although, the tight quarters of the shell would be something the roots would like since they do like being rootbound. i'd put it in a 2 inch container until the roots have overtaken it and then move it up to a 4 incher and so on. soil should be something that is very well draining - i use a mix of orchid bark and regular potting soil with some perlite thrown in for extra drainage.
Hi there! I have the same plant -- actually i have two from rooting a piece from the first one in water. It is a hoya and seems like it likes humid conditions better, because i planted the second plant in a rotund glass vase and it loves it. Very easy to care for....
The plant in the vase will likely develop root rot, due to drainage issues. I'd repot it in a container with adequate drainage holes!