Dear Members, Hopefully my photos are more elaborate and lucid on this occasion. Please help identifying the following plants (all photographed today at Tel Aviv University):
Botanical names requisite. Please assist. Could anyone please help me figure out the botanical names of the plants the photos of which I annexed to my previous message to this forum? Many thanks in advance. PS Searching for Firethorn photos at google, Ron appears to be certainly correct in appelating the plant with the berries thus.
Peripatein, Please allow 24 hours before rerequesting people to help on a particular topic. Kind thanks, Daniel
May no one know? Please help if you can. Dear Members, In my previous message to this group, from the day of yesterday, I posted images of several plants the identification of which I am most earnestly and kindly asking. I sincerely hope hearing from your part soon. Kind Regards, Yuval.
The first one appears to be Carissa macrocarpa, the genus for firethorn is Pyracantha, although I cannot detect any thorns in the photo. In the third photo there appears to be several different plants. The orange flower looks like it might be Abutilon thompsonii, although the leaves that I can see are not Abutilon. That’s all I’ve got, clearer photographs would help, closeups of flowers, leaves, and stems. Joe
Better photo for 3rd. 2nd and 5th? The photo below is the best I have of the third mysterious plant. But then what about the second and the fifth? Might anyone please essay assisting there? The first is indeed Pyracantha coccinea and the fourth is by all means Carissa macrocarpa. Hoping to hear from you shortly. Regards, Yuval.
Search "Thevetia" (as in Cascabela thevetia, Thevetia peruviana). I had to look it up to recover the botanical name, thought somebody else would know it from the first shot.
You are most correct Ron. Thank you very much. May you also help me find the names for the second and the fifth?
The last is probably a legume (Fabaceae). There are many kinds. Try Sesbania, for starters, on the chance it is one.