I planted seeds that I thought were poppys (good kind, non-somniferum) but they don't look any of the ones I've grown before (even from the same seed batches). The only thing I did different with this batch is that I didn't overcrowd them. Usually they "lettuce" and have long, lettuce type leaves but not this batch. Can anyone identify these? Or are they weeds that somehow grew in the mix and I'm an idiot for caring for them? These do not look like any poppy's I grew before and these came from the same exact seed pack so I dont know what's going on so I am hoping someone can identify these as either poppys growing healthy and I have never seen it before, or just weeds that got into the seed mix I missed.
Thanks, this is on the fourth floor balcony and I only planted 3 poppy seeds so this would be interesting to see it grow to completion. I would have no idea how the weed seed would've gotten in the pot in the exact location I planted them on the fourth floor. Really weird, I only marked 3 seed spots and they grew right on the mark.