i am looking for some help identifing these plants plant 1 ok episcia plant 2 plant 3 is really glossy and viny plant 4 ok cactus plant 5 ok sweedish ivy plant 6 ok ardisia and dracaena
i believe the dracaena is correct but the other has no berries and seem lighter shade of green i guess that could be it i just got to figure out why im not getting the berries LOL thanks for posting
1 appears to be an Episcia. 4 looks like Swedish ivy. Agree with Junglekeeper as to Ardisia/Dracaena in 6.
Actually I meant 5! Math never my strong suit. Think riptidefrog may be right about 2...I trust and believe that 3 will remain unidentified until a better photo is given us.
ok thanks for everyones help ....and thats the best pic i can get of #3 illl just see if i can get it to root and repost it after i have some moore leaves LOL
rtf, you just might be right about 3. Aluminum plant (Pilea cadierei) is a fair bet based on what one can see in the photo, shininess/stripiness-wise. As for the poster's description of the plant as 'viny', I daresay that this might in fact be legginess. I had a passing thought of strawberry begonia (Saxifraga stolonifera)...? Dunno. Perhaps this ID will remain one of those Unsolved Botanical Mysteries.