The base is woody and there are brownish red markings on the leaves. It has never flowered. When cut open (leaves or branch) it has white milky substance that burns lips, eyes, etc. Thanks for any help you may be able to give me. Does this thread need more pics to help identify?
I've seen this before but can't give you a name. Maybe later, if nobody else comes out with it. I can say that it has an interveinal chlorosis, implying a need for nutrient supplementation.
It looks a lot like a Euphorbia that I have at home, can't remember the name though, sorry. Does white sap come out when the stem is broken? I will be home in an hour or so, so I will compare and maybe post a pic.. Ed
I love this plant/tree but I don't know what the hell it is. I agree it could be a Euphorbia but what kind I don't know. Would it help if I post more pictures?
Sorry bp, forgot to post pictures of mine. If you could post one of the overall plant that would be good. If it is the same as mine, we will still be in the same boat, as I don't know what Euphorbia I have either!!! lol, at least its a start... Ed
I think it may be Synadenium grantii. Thanks to all who responded and helped me find out what my plant is. Oh and the common name is African Milk Bush. Here is a link to information on it.