Ron B, are you sure http:// Is this just a different type of quamoclit? I'm so curious about your plant. I like the narrowness of each leaf and how they reach out like hands. When did you first notice it growing? It seems very happy and it must like your jade plant very much. Same conditions...hmmm....a dilemma. Beshmataka, if you wouldn't mind, please update me on your progress with this plant's identification. Would you mind if I borrowed your picture to use in my research? Nancy
Nancy, I first noticed the vine about three days ago. You can use the photos, I just want to identify the it. The vine is growing in my laundry room window facing west. It has muted sunlight now but is growing towards the glass very fast. I water about twice a week with well water. What other information would be helpful? Sheri Oregon
I am guessing from the question mark that Ron was not sure. I imagine he meant Ipomoea lobata syn. Ipomoea versicolor syn. Quamoclit lobata syn. Mina lobata not Ipomoea quamoclit--talk about name confusion. And these are not the common names! Seems quite possible or a related species. Leaves look thinner than most photos online, but I don't have any good descriptions in front of me.