I would like to know what this plant is. It just came up and reseeds itself easily. It's abondant with both leaves and flowers, then dies back.
very pretty flower!! kind of looks like it might be in the geranium family...those that are hardy die back in winter and regrow from the tuberous roots in the spring.
Looks like Lavatera arborea, common name tree mallow.See....... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Lavatera_arborea2.jpg
Thanks so much. I've looked at several pix on the web and your right Malva sylvestris "Zebrina". thank you again.
i thought the the flower looked a little malva-ish...didn't think the leaves were right, though. i doubt it's reseeding...it's just dying back and regrowing in spring. very nice!! i'm going to have to look at getting one!!
Lavatera and Malva are very closely related and difficult to tell apart from a pic.I think Tyrlych is correct with Malva sylvestris. Flowers of Malva are usually singly produced in clusters from the leaf axils, while Lavatera arborea has flowers in racemes.