This flower is a mystery to several of us here in Alabama. It is growing on the shady Northeast side of a house. It has a woody stem.
I doubt "Rose of Sharon" is used much for Hypericum over here, if at all--and the species shown is not the creeping H. calycinum, but rather one of the non-creeping ones, such as 'Hidcote'. Rose of Sharon is customarily Hibiscus syriacus in North America.
Thank you so much! I just did a search for hipericum and found all sorts of information. The foliage is a bit different than the images I have seen, but the flower is the same. I now have a name to research and I thank you both very much.
There are about 400 species, not including the garden hybrids such as 'Hidcote'. So, not every photo you see is going to show the same leaf.
Yes, I was nearly overwhelmed by all the species that were appearing in the searches. (I was surprised that it was such a mystery to the gardeners here when it seems to be everywhere). Most of the web sites that I found were in Asia or South America and one of the Spanish websites led me to Moser's St. John's Wort which seems to be very close to the flower that we were researching. All of us are new to searching for the identifications of the flowers that we are inheriting. I appreciate your help and hope that I can learn a lot from this forum.